Sewing · Vintage

Inspirational Oranges

Wondrous makers of the web, you inspire me!  I am literally COMPELLED to take to my machine in a desire to match a kaleidoscope of colourful that has beautified my blog roll of late.  Looking for a muse or five?  Allow your senses to delight in the spiced and fruited hues of these fine makes from Erica, Catherine, KateOonaballoona and Anne.

You need more?  Here are the tones that Mother Nature is adopting this season:

What’s a blogger to do except search in the cupboard for a certain vintage floral confection.


Hehehehehe.  What can I make?  I have about 2 metres of extreme narrowness.  I know one thing for certain.  I’ll have to cut around some claw marks.  Sigh.


Look at this face.  This is the face of someone who is already forgiven.


Until next time.


6 thoughts on “Inspirational Oranges

  1. We had some vintage curtains in a similar material (belonged to my grandparents) and my friend made them into toy turtles for my sons. I will try to share a picture…

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